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Movie Review: Ghostbusters Afterlife

Who you gonna call?

Ghostbusters Afterlife has come and gone, but are the ghosts truly gone?

So far, we've been blessed with three different Ghostbusters: 
the all-male cast (classic)
the all-female cast 
and now, the all-teens cast.

Movie Recap
A family of three inherit a property that turns out to be more than meets the eye as they battle to save the world against evil forces greater than anything they've ever seen.

The story continues almost four decades later, and it follows the life of one of the original Ghostbusters; Egan Spangler.

After their rise to fame in New York, the Ghostbusters slowly began to lose clients (a sign that they were doing a great job), and each member took to their lives. All except Spangler who foresaw the world coming to an end in the future.

He abandoned his family and took off to where the world is supposedly going to end leaving a bad rep with his daughter, grandchildren and friends.

Afterlife is no joke. Egan was looking out of it. Not talking from experience or anything, but I guess it's not all it's cut out to be.

This movie was made to pay respect to the actor who played Egan Spangler and it was a befitting tribute to him; having his grandchildren and daughter defeat the very demon that unleashed mayhem in Manhattan almost 40 years ago.

Now, if you've seen the movie you'll remember a scene where the kids were recounting the events that had been occurring over the years. They mentioned the incident in the first Ghostbuster but not the one where the females acted.


It's like that instalment never existed. Granted, it was bad by critics standard, but a little recognition would have been nice.
Seeing the gang turn up one last time to assist the Spanglers and bid their final farewell was difficult for me, a fan of the franchise and a lover of Egan's nerdiness. Glad his granddaughter took after him.

The fact he was able to connect to her and his daughter eventually as a ghost was heartwarming. After all, he did all of that to save them.
Paul Rudd was a cutie pie and a breath of comic air. He doesn't even need to try to get into people's hearts. 

Oh, and he's 52. Can you believe it? He's so chill for someone at that age.
Finn Wolfhard (Trevor) is having a great career from IT to Turning to Stranger Things, even Pinocchio, glad to see him dominating as he's growing. Who knows, we might get an action movie from him soon

Phoebe (McKenna Grace) did her best in portaging a nerdy girl with bad science jokes and an interest in the paranormal.

Podcast was, well, podcast. He did try in defeating those marshmellow guys and at least had a core fan as his listener.

For me, the entire movie felt nostalgic, and I liked it, but those who might have wanted something different would disagree. The acting wasn't all over the place or excessively stellar, but it fit the script. Besides, it was almost a remake of one with a twist.

The effects of villains were an upgrade from the first movie, and Bill Murray is still a clown. An old clown nevertheless.

It's a wrap on anything Ghost Busters—I hope.

Rating: 8/10.
Nostalgic ratings here.


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