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The Gentlemen; Movie Review


 Matthew McConaughey (Michael Pearson) Charlie Hunnam (Raymond Smith) Henry Golding (Dry Eye) Hugh Grant ( Fletcher) Michelle Dockery (Rosalind Fletcher) Jeremy Strong (Matthew Berger) Eddie Marson (Big Dave) Colin Farrell (Coach).

      The words "drug" and "Mafia" have been known to be associated with blood, chain of commands and dirty deals. The world of drugs isn't one to be taken lightly as every action can be interpreted as either weakness or strength. The Gentlemen showed a slightly different approach to the drug world. It wasn't without deaths and orders but it hard a slightly comedic part to it.

Spoilers ahead.

     If you've seen the movie, then you can either agree or disagree with some of the wordings here. But if you haven't, I'll try to lessen the spoilers. If the movie had been 3hours long or even 4hours, I doubt if I would notice. Because I was glued to my screen till the very end. The blend and scenery was quite apt.

   The story starts and ends with a renowned drug Lord;  Michael Pearson. Now, Pearson wasn't born rich or influential but he was smart, street smart and used his connections at Oxford University to establish his name and rank amongst other drug lords. He did make necessary sacrifices but it was all worth it.

    His series of serendipitous events took off after word got out that the he wanted to get out of the drug business and go clean. His business partner went out of his way to render his equity below asking price.

Okay, enough of the plot analysis.

    Matthew McConaughey was a perfect fit for his role. He has always been known to play eccentric roles, but his role in this movie was just top notch. He wasn't the regular drug boss you would imagine- with hoarse voice and a mean looking face rather he was sweet and calm-looking with a penchant for making tea. His dedication to his work but most especially his wife really warmed my heart.

    Raymond Smith,hmm now this was exciting to watch. We've seen him wield swords in Arthur; Legend of the Sword, we've also seen him take down an alien robot in Pacific Rim. But seeing him as a henchman to a drug lord was intriguing. With his mild cocokney accent and handsome face, he was a deviation from ugly looking henchmen. One part that really cracked me up was when Coach and Raymond were trying to pronounce the name of the snitch. "His name is f**k but with a ph so it's pronounced Phuck".

     Henry Golding was a surprise cast. Really, our beau from Crazy Rich Asians and Last Christmas is now a drug lord understudy, shocking. But it was a welcoming shock. He delivered his performance to the delight of viewers and well, note to Dry Eye- Don't try to get a drug Lord through his wife, really bad move.


    The other characters like Fletcher, Big Dave, Coach,  Matthew were all the top of their games. Coach boys were crazy with their YouTube video and fight stunt. The twist in the storyline and infact the straightforwardness in some places, all came together in the right places.

     It is a movie for lovers of the Mafia way and crime. It was a massive hit at the box office and had positive reception.

I'll give it a rating of 9 out of a 10.


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