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Movie Review; Fantasy Island


Michael Pena ( Mr Roarke) Maggie Q 

( Gwen Olsen) Lucy Hale ( Melanie Cole)Austin Stowell ( Patrick Sullivan) Parrisa Fitz-Henley (Julia Roarke) Portia Doubleday (Sloane Maddison)

       "If  wishes were horses, beggars would ride" Right? Our fantasies are called so because it's what we would love to have but don't. And with every false reality there are loopholes.


    Fantasy Island is a horror thriller. 5 strangers win an all expenses paid trip to a fantasy island which is owned by a business mogul. An Island that is said to grant you your deepest desires. Each guest filled out surveys about their dream fantasy and on arrival to the island, they get what they hoped for.

     The fantasy starts out well with each one getting exactly what they hoped for; a redo. But everything in the island has a price. Every fantasy must be led to its final end.

     The guests begin to realize that some things aren't  right with their fantasies and the island and must work together to find a way out.

    I have to say, for a thriller movie it was confusing at first. At first I thought it was a haunted movie but it wasn't. The powers of the Island must be truly magnificent, since it brought back a dead relative.

       It's not a horror story that can be categorized with others. I don't understand why they didn't arrest Mr Roarke. What if another set of people fall victim? What if it's a trap?

      I sincerely expected more scare factors. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'll give it a 6 for trying.

Images used were sourced from Google.


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