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LA Casa


Every year there seems to be that particular TV series which gets the attention of the public and this  year was no exception as we were introduced to Money Heist:Lacasa de papel. This Spanish TV series which had its first season released in 2017 is the current wave of the town its soundtrack:Bella ciao has warmed its way into the hearts of spaniards and non Spaniards alike also earning a funny translation in Pidgin.

The plot of the story which surrounds the robbing of the Royal Mint of Spain is such an intriguing piece with so many close shaves and funny moments.

The Antagonist-Professor after so many years of planning and studying had the craziest and most intelligent plan-Robbing the Royal Mint. Not just robbing but printing new notes which could not be traced by the authorities,making the plan the best plan ever or so they thought. But with every heist comes loopholes.

The alias of the robbers(names of cities) was unpatterned as well as diverse with names like Tokyo, Rio, Moscow, Nairobi, Helsinki, Oslo, Denver, Berlin with later additions of Palermo,Stockholm etc.

Their custome,red overalls and the dali mask was unique and quite conceiving,as a mask should be,even a bit frightening.

The main rules:nada de nombres,nada de preguntas personales, nada de relaciones personales ,nada de creerse todo lo que lees en internet which roughly translates as: no names, no personal questions,no  personal relationships,no believing everything you read in the internet was put in place to avoid  emotions growing between heisters which might inherently sabotage the plan. Some say  rules are meant to be broken and broken it was,bits by pieces by the team until nothing was left. The Interpersonal relationships between Tokyo and Rio led to the very first misstep in the series, then of course we had that between Professor and Inspector Raquel which led to an even larger mishap and finally Moscow's sacrifice for Tokyo.

 Hostages were of course not without peculiar characters like Arturo Roman,Monica Gaztambide(who later became Stockholm) and Allison Parker.

Arturo Roman was a character that was fated to die but stood against faith and led an uprising which led to escape of some hostages. Monica on the other hand,recently pregnant and lover to Arturo had a change in heart and fell for one of the heisters- Denver under condition which was later termed Stockholm syndrome. Allison Parker( little lamb) was just a handful teengaer with escape plots and a rebellious attitude.

The head heister- Berlin was a character well  portrayed by the actor. He played the role of a leader who knew that downsides were sure to happen and held his stand on sensitive issues.

Sacrifices were made all for one course, love interest grew, cowardice became courage in the face of death.

 The whole storyline was well thought and quite frankly had intense moments.

It is a must watch if you are a lover of action,suspense,love and crime.


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