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Movie Review: A Madea Homecoming

Madea is back!


After the Madea Family Funeral we thought we had seen the last of this iconic screen character, but 2022 has given us a reason to laugh out loud.

Movie Plot

Madea's Homecoming surrounds the family getting together for Madea's great grandson's graduation ceremony. As expected when the Madea clan comes together, secrets are revealed and chaos the order of the day.

Spoilers ahead

First off, Madea is a great grandmother. Not grand. Great grand.

That's three generations alive in the clan. How old exactly is Madea? Did she take some vampire blood? 

Back to serious issues?

What type of best friend helps her best friend divorce her husband and then fall in love with the best friend's husband to the extent of wanting to get married to him.

That's wrong on so many levels.

Especially if you include the fact that she was the attorney in charge of the divorce and the douche bag got everything from the divorce.


She freaking broke every single girls' code in existence.


Even if men were scarce couldn't she set her eyes on someone else.

Oh, and guess the best part? She used the iconic lines:

It just happened.

I didn't mean to fall in love with him.

Oh, go drink some hot water. 

I bet she sleeps with her eyes closed lying to herself that she did no wrong.

And the arrogance of the nonsense man was just out of this world. 

Hilarious scenes

Madea was in her usual high spirit as she loathed the useless bastard who broke her granddaughter's heart.

The first gunshot when he got close was to die for.😂😂

"Bam, duck." I just knew something fishy was going to happen, and it did.

The second encounter outside the field was even crazier. A bazooka. Madea!!!

The guy changed his response immediately from wanting to stay and switching to leave.


As you're already familiar, the Madea family can never come together without secrets flooding the entire space. Homecoming presented its own share.

The Coming Out Scene

Most times we think we're deceiving people around us, meanwhile we're just deceiving ourselves. Tim thought he was keeping his sexuality a secret but his family was just waiting for him to come out of the closet.

Sexual Romance

"Babe, are you okay?"

Did you see that coming?

I didn't. I actually thought Ireland was dating Tim and his mom side by side, but I was wrong, obviously.

The times we live in don't really discriminate against an older man dating a younger lady, but when it comes to the woman being older than the man, well, this splits people into groups.

As Madea said, she deserves to find love, and if she finds it in him, well, good luck then.

I just wasn't cool with his best friend not telling him about it. Why is this always the case with guys? They can spill their guts out when it doesn't matter but when it does, they keep mute.

They should have definitely told him. 

I love when Madea asked him how he didn't notice something was wrong when his friend kept asking and talking about his mum. And then went ahead to tease about him supposedly going off to study law. 

In all, it was good seeing the team back on stage doing what they know how to do best—entertain and teach stories.

Joe will obviously never grow and Bam will forever try to seduce younger guys.😂🤣

What's up with the great aunt using a handkerchief? I didn't get it at all. Did she have spit drooling or was it a habit?


Parents tend to give their children so much from when they're born that they forget to also live a little. And when they do decide to live a little, their children turn judge, jury and executioner on them. They, too, deserve happiness no matter how unconventional it might be.

While watching it I imagined my mum coming out and telling me she's dating a male friend of mine.

I sincerely don't know how I'll handle it, but her happiness will count.

That stupid ass speech he gave was just useless. Emphasizing the part about his mum and friend dating wasn't necessary. Give your speech and gettat.

What were your favorite parts? And how would you feel if your parents said they are in love with your best friend?

Rating: 7/10


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