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Freaky; Movie Review


Kathryn Newton
Vince Vaughn
Uriah Shelton
Misha Osherovich
Celeste O'Connor
Dana Drori
Katie Finneran
Melissa Collazo

Genre: Horror/Comedy.
Happy new year to you and yours. It's been a wonderful year, 2020, and now we're ready for 2021.

And despite being a new year, there are 2020 movies I couldn't see due to many, many, reasons beyond my control.

So, I'll see them and I'll talk about them while I wait for 2021 movies.

And if 2021 movies aren't worth it, I'll still see more 2020 movies.

So, Freaky, huh?

Firstly, kudos to Vince Vaughn (Butcher). Playing out a teen character looked so cool on him. Jack Black has been known to do this effortlessly too, but Vaughn made it delightable to watch.

Typical teenager to ask 'where am I?' after waking up in a strange house.

The supporting actors were also good with their roles. 

As much as I enjoyed the movie, some parts of the plot were just too much of clichés.

The regular girl with a gay and Black-American bestie. 

The same girl being bullied by not-so-good-looking girls and stupid jerks disguised as jorks.

That one teacher that makes life hell because you can't speak up.

Yeah, same old, same old.
And then there's the family that just lost someone and can't cope with the loss properly.

Nothing new there.

But the other parts of the plot, oh my gosh! Incredible.

And the fact it all happened on Friday the 13th just amped things up. That date is totally cursed in horror universe, so you know it'll be messed up if something bad happens on that day.

Everyone knows that the first rule of hiding is to never, ever, come out even if you feel the coast is clear. Never do that. Serial killers don't give up easily, but they are sure lazy. They want you to do the work for them, so hide until it's freaking day time.

Back to the plot: I loved how weird they made the switch feel for the serial killer. He isn't suppose to just wake and feel like Mr Rogers after the switch. That was a nice touch.

His/her awkward disposition and wanting to kill the cop immediately he/she saw her.

The way she/he got her/his friends to listen to him was hilarious. I mean Vince can really shake it.

A serial killer gets hold of a sacred sacrificial blade and tries to use the blade to kill his fifth victim. 

He's unlucky with this feat and instead swaps souls with her. On waking up each one must find a way to deal with the switch.

But there's a problem. If by midnight the stabbing isn't complete, each one stays the same forever.

Weirdest part
My weirdest scene by every count was when Booker (cute and adorable crush) tried to kiss her/him at the back seat.

That was so uncomfortable to watch. How could he still be attracted to an old man? Ewww!

But it was sweet in a serial-killer-crush kind of way. 

Then the mum, Carol (Katie Finneran) goes on to get intimate with a stranger, behind a changing wardrobe, and asks him out for coffee.

Are they crazy? There's a killer on the loose for crying out loud!

Then when Butcher/Millie asked the hobo if he looked like a 5'5, blonde-haired petite girl, I rolled. He sounded high, can't blame the hobo for thinking same.

Best parts
I'm so against killing people. It's against the law, but those soccer players, female bully, and the teacher had it coming. It was too much on their part.

If Millie had been the right Millie, they would have raped her at the party. Such losers!

Their special frienship clap was to die for. (I should get one with my friends too).

I like how Booker (Uriah Shelton) wasn't a jerk like the rest. (Next time, please tell your crush your desires and let's all move on, okay?)

Stupidest part
High schoolers are always depicted as dumbers. Why? Because only dumbers will agree to have a party when there's a serial killer on the loose.

Do high-schoolers behave like this? For real? Who tried that sort of shit in real life?

Also, wherever you maybe, if your mum, dad, aunt, uncle, sister/, or whoever, is late to get you, get a cab and go home. It's better you're yelled at for coming home with a ride than sitting by the side of the road when a maniac is on the loose.

Millie (Kathryn Kessler) was stupid, simple. Even if you love your mum to death, go with your friends. If she makes it, she turns around and finds you at home.

If she doesn't, you know you're home safe. Why opt to sit by tge side of an empty road in the middle of the night to wait. And to make matters worse, her phone battery was low.

Way to go badluck!

I enjoyed the movie. Vaughn did it for me. Then Nyla (Celeste O'Connor) and Josh (Misha Osherovich) were hilarious. Josh to be precise. 

Yes, some parts were cliches with regular repetitive story lines, but the whole idea behind the movie was worth the watch.

The fact that they tried to blend in an intimate moment with Millie/Butcher's body and her mum, Carol was touching.

I felt a bit emotional there and applauded the director.

If you've not seen it, you need to. If you have, do you agree with my rating?

Personal rating: 7/10.


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